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A dynamic platform dedicated to celebrating and exploring the diverse world of contemporary circus arts.

Launched in 2020, DYNAMO Magazine embarked on its journey with its inaugural issue, GENRE, BODY, OBJECT, BALANCE,  followed by thought-provoking editions such as SPACES OF CIRCUS and SPEAKING OF CIRCUS.

Each issue of DYNAMO Magazine is a testament to our commitment to delving deep into the heart of the artform, with a focus on interrogation, reflection, exploration, and inspiration. Through our annual paper issue and digital space, we serve as a vital platform to promote, celebrate, and expand the circus arts, while providing unwavering support to those working within the field.

Curated and created by DYNAMO - Denmark’s premier creation space, stage, and residency center dedicated to contemporary circus, DYNAMO Magazine is a labor of love that aims to showcase the richness and diversity of circus arts. Over the past three issues, we have continually expanded the scope, length, and content of the magazine, incorporating more original artwork and contributions with each installment.

As we look to the future, our focus remains on amplifying the voices of artists and practitioners, with a keen emphasis on exploring the artistic process as a central theme. We believe in fostering a community guided by curiosity, openness, and respect, where every contribution enriches and inspires both ourselves and our readers.

Our readership encompasses a wide spectrum of individuals, including festival and venue directors, producers, teachers, pedagogues, facilitators, mediators, emerging and established artists, creators, performers, circus art students, arts and culture enthusiasts, and aficionados of creative processes and practices.

© Lily Schlinker

© Lily Schlinker

© Lily Schlinker

© Kim-Yen Nguyen

© Cosmin Cirstea


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Elena Stanciu

Coordinating Editor

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Signild Thygesen


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Mads Find

Graphic Designer


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